Managing Back-to-School Stress for Families: Tips for a Smooth Transition

August 7, 2024

As summer draws to a close and the new school year approaches, many families find themselves navigating a range of emotions. Excitement for new beginnings can often be overshadowed by anxiety and stress. At Seneca Health Services, we understand the challenges that come with this transitional period. Here are some…

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Understanding Menopause and Its Effects on Mental Health

June 30, 2024

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life. While it signifies a biological transition, it also brings significant changes that can impact mental health. At Seneca Health Services, we are committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance for women navigating this important stage in their life. The Mental Health…

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Using Social Media Mindfully

June 30, 2024

In today’s digital age, social media has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives. While it offers numerous benefits, including staying connected with loved ones and accessing a wealth of information, it can also have profound effects on our mental health. At Seneca Health Services, we believe in…

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Partnering for Better Health: Seneca Health Services and Men’s Health Month

June 3, 2024

Men’s Health Month is a dedicated time to shed light on the unique health challenges faced by men and to inspire them to prioritize their well-being. In a society where men frequently prioritize work and other responsibilities over their health, this month serves as a crucial reminder of the importance…

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Embracing Your Awesome: How Seneca Health Services Supports Teens During Self-Esteem Month

April 29, 2024

May marks the beginning of National Teen Self-Esteem Month. This is a time to shine a spotlight on the importance of fostering healthy self-esteem among our young people, empowering them to navigate the challenges of adolescence with confidence and resilience. In a world where societal pressures, social media, and academic…

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Teen Drinking Trends: A 20-Year Transformation

March 26, 2024

In the intricate tapestry of adolescent development, the impact of alcohol consumption cannot be understated. Studies consistently reveal the profound influence of drinking on normal brain development, accompanied by a host of societal consequences, ranging from diminished academic performance to increased involvement with the legal system. However, amidst these challenges,…

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Recognizing and Responding to Child Mental Health Emergencies: A Guide by Seneca Health Services

March 4, 2024

Parenting comes with its challenges, and navigating your child’s mental health is a journey that requires attention and care. In this blog, we’ll explore five signs that your child may be experiencing a mental health emergency and provide valuable insights into ways you can offer support. Seneca Health Services is…

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The 988 Suicide Hotline: A Lifeline of Support

March 4, 2024

In a world where the challenges of life can sometimes feel overwhelming, having a lifeline can make all the difference. The introduction of the 988 suicide hotline in the United States is a significant step towards providing immediate support to those in crisis. This three-digit number is a game-changer in…

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Celebrating the Trailblazers: African American Pioneers in Mental Health

January 29, 2024

As we embrace the rich tapestry of Black History Month, it’s essential to shine a spotlight on the often overlooked pioneers who have significantly contributed to the field of mental health. Through resilience, determination, and a commitment to breaking down barriers, African American trailblazers have played pivotal roles in shaping…

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Resolutions Checkin

January 17, 2024

As we find ourselves in the midst of January, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the resolutions we set at the beginning of the year. The initial excitement may be wearing off, but fear not! Let’s explore practical strategies and insights, with a special focus on how Seneca Health…

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