Recovery is Possible – Amanda Rexrode
My name is Amanda Rexrode and I am a person in long-term recovery. I was in active addiction for seven years, I started my journey in recovery on April 13 th, 2019. I’m originally a Nicholas County native. Although growing up in a small rural area, I had a wonderful upbringing. I was a very successful student in high school and made straight A’s. I had plans to attend college as well. I didn’t come from a family who condoned substance use. Actually, it was the exact opposite. What I was taught about drug use was that it was dangerous and scary. Little did I know, those words were mild to the hell that I learned revolved around substance use and living that lifestyle each day.
Not long after turning eighteen, I fell into the wrong crowd of people and later married someone who was in active addiction. This led me down a dark path of substance use myself. Over the next seven years, I would become addicted, turn from my family in shame, and continue my substance use just to numb myself from the life I grew to hate. Eventually, I got into legal trouble because of my Substance Use Disorder. I felt stuck, defeated, and embarrassed by the turn my life had taken. I was disgusted at the woman that drugs shaped me into. That was until I was given the opportunity to make a change by going to treatment. On April 13 th, 2019, I arrived at the doors of Recovery Point Charleston. What was unknown to me when I arrived became the program that saved my life. It humbled me. I felt accepted by someone who understood what I was going through. I learned about Substance Use Disorder and the behaviors I displayed that kept me in this vicious cycle for so long. I learned that I needed to be held accountable and remain open-minded if I wanted to change. I had to be better for not only myself but my infant daughter as well. I stayed, I learned, and I started healing.
This was in no way easy. I had to turn old habits into new routines that were healthy and benefited my life in a positive way. I felt like I would fail numerous times. Thankfully, I had a wonderful support system who loved me when I couldn’t even love myself. After 11 months of inpatient treatment. I graduated from the program. I thought to myself, “I have finally been freed from this demon.”
It was at that time I felt that helping those with Substance Use Disorder and co-occurring Disorders was what I should be dedicating myself to. I obtained my Recovery Coach Certificate and my Naloxone training. I then started working in recovery myself in order to work towards my WV Peer Recovery Support Specialist Certification. Although I loved working at Recovery Point Charleston, I wanted to move back to my own hometown area to carry a message of recovery to those who needed it so badly. I wanted to give back to the community in Nicholas County which meant so much to me. That’s when I found Seneca. Despite my history, Seneca saw something promising in me and hired me as a team member. I then became WV Certified PRSS. I’ve been here since.
Now, I have the opportunity daily to do what I set out to do. I get to help those coming in seeking hope for recovery. I’m so thankful to be someone that they can look at and say, “Wow, she did it. Maybe I can too.” It’s a great day when I can see that someone is redirecting their life in a positive way and they start to realize that it is possible to change. It’s even more rewarding to share my experience, strength, and hope with those who desperately need it. Today, I am almost five years clean from substances. This is something that I have to work towards daily to maintain. I am a mother, a wife, and a dependable co-worker, family member, and friend. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it were not for my God and a treatment program that I hold very dearly to my heart. I encourage everyone to educate themselves on Substance Abuse. Ask questions and offer support. Addiction has no mercy. It can affect anyone person, any family, or your loved ones. Help break the stigma. Those struggling with addiction deserve the chance to recover.
If you or someone you love is struggling with substance use disorder, contact Seneca Health Services today. Financial assistance may be available to West Virginians who qualify.
Seneca Health Services | 888-SENECA9 (888-736-3229)