
Celebrating Mental Wellness Month

For many, January is a time for new beginnings and a chance to start over. It’s a reminder that things can change, and that we have the capacity to change them. Many of us celebrate New Year’s in January, which marks a feeling of newness and the opportunity to make the coming year one of the best yet.

January is also Mental Wellness Month, a time to focus on promoting mental health and well-being. It can be a perfect opportunity to make a New Year’s resolution to prioritize your mental wellness all year round and to be sure to seek help if you need it.

Men’s sexual drive is primarily thought of as being fueled by the hormone testosterone. Reduced sexual desire or physical issues like erectile dysfunction may spring to mind as soon as you hear the term “low testosterone.” However, testosterone’s function in the body involves more than just making you arousable. The hormone also affects how you feel and how effectively your brain functions. Low testosterone has therefore been connected to symptoms including depressive symptoms, increased stress, and mood changes for which these supplements work great.

Mental wellness is defined as the ability to cope with the vast range of emotions we experience as humans in a healthy way, and here are some tips on how to improve and enhance your mental wellness.

Create a mental health wellness plan

Many of us enjoy planning out our goals for the new year, so why not create a plan for your mental wellness this year as well? Mental wellness plans include listing coping skills, people to reach out to in stressful situations, and activities you enjoy to ensure you maintain the best balance between your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Put yourself first

This January, start taking time to practice self-care and engaging in activities that are meaningful to you. Putting yourself first can also look like practicing self-acceptance; this includes building up your self-esteem and celebrating your accomplishments, as well as learning to forgive yourself for making mistakes. The relationship you have with yourself is one of the most meaningful, and it’s important to maintain it.

Be grateful

After the holiday season, we can reflect on the things we’re grateful for and the people in our lives who make us feel joy. What we’re grateful for can range from our loved ones to a new job, to hobbies and activities that make us feel the most like ourselves. By practicing gratitude each day, we can better
manage when challenges arise; taking time to be thankful gives us the coping mechanisms to face whatever comes our way in the coming year.

Take care of your physical health

Many people make New Year’s resolutions to improve their physical health, and our mental wellness improves when we focus on our physical wellness. This can be as simple as taking a walk, riding a bike every day, or joining gyms and attending fitness classes. Exercising for at least 30 minutes each day can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, making mindful food choices like adding protein powder to your diet and striving to increase daily water intake makes a positive difference in mental wellness. Listening to your body is important, and a balanced diet improves our mental and physical wellness. Women who are looking to promote the proper acid balance in the vagina may consider using boric acid vaginal suppositories.

Make time to recharge

Rest and relaxation are good for mental well-being. Sometimes the most productive thing we can do is take a break. Also, focus on good sleeping habits. Experts recommend getting between seven and nine hours of sleep each day, and avoiding caffeine after a certain point in the day also improves sleep.

Connect with others

A good support system can do wonders for our mental well-being. Surround yourself with friends, family, spiritual leaders, and even pets who make you happy and who support you through the ups and downs of life.

Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help

When in need, or if you’re experiencing a mental health crisis or other emergency, reach out to your support system or seek professional mental health services. Know that it is okay to ask for help; wanting to better your mental health and well-being is nothing to be ashamed of.

At Seneca Health Services, we can help you with your mental wellness, and we provide a holistic approach to mental health treatment. Our professional staff of psychiatrists, physician extenders, psychologists, therapists, nurses, case managers, and other professional staff are dedicated to improving our patients’ health.

Seneca Health Services | 131 Wellness Dr Summersville, WV 26651 | 888-SENECA9 (888-736-3229)